Lawyers wanted
Join our Best Practice Forum.
By taking part in our Best Practice Forum, you join a growing collective of grassroots communities, environmental advocates and legal practitioners seeking to achieve lasting change to global problems by sharing their best practice, applied knowledge and expertise.
We are looking for legal specialists in the fields of human rights and environmental law, climate justice and corporate malpractice to collaborate, engage and take part in peer to peer discussions, mentoring schemes, round tables, mock trials, interactive and bespoke training and capacity building, as well as assisting with the facilitation, design and production of learning materials to be applied on demand and in the context of a wide range of methodologies.
Key areas of expertise identified by grassroots communities and environmental advocates will include:
By identifying gaps in knowledge and applying your legal expertise, you will contribute to a collaborative system of peer-to-peer tailored support that enables grassroots communities and environmental advocates to protect and enforce their rights and access justice on the front line.
To find out more about the initiative, get in touch at: info@roots2justice.org and we’ll be in touch.